Please be advised that the Annual General Meeting of Polio SA will be held on Sunday August 18 2019 at 302 South Road Hilton, the location of the office of Polio SA, commencing at 1 pm.
The order of the business at the meeting shall be:
1. The consideration of the accounts.
2. Reports of the Committee.
3. The appointment of committee members.
4. Any other business requiring consideration of the Association in general meeting.
Dr. Nigel Quadros has kindly agreed to be our best speaker.
As this is YOUR group, endeavoring to assist you, your attendance is encouraged.
Afternoon tea (please bring a small plate to share). Tea / coffee and drinks will be provided.
If you would like to nominate a committee member please complete the nomination form. Nominations for Committee positions must be lodged with the Secretary no later than August 1 2019